
Believers Eastern Church participates in outreach in the communities where they are placed. We desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever he has placed us.

About Believers Eastern Church

Believers Eastern Church adheres to the episcopal governance and structure embodied in Scripture and followed by the Church Fathers. We believe in the universal priesthood of all believers, yet we also believe that God is a God of order who establishes lines of authority to strengthen the church in serving Him and humanity.


Believers Eastern Church is part of an international community of believers. We have 50+ dioceses spread over many countries. We also have a religious order established in several of those countries and seek to be part of discipling the next generation of believers.

Affiliation Application

    We're excited about the possible future God has for us to walk this faith journey together. We are regularly praying for discernment and God’s leading for those who believe God might be calling them to affiliate with us.

    Before applying for affiliation, we ask that you (and the senior clergy if different than you) read the following:

    Note: Applicant must have read all four before going on to next section of application

    Note: The application takes approximately one hour to fill out and needs to be done in one sitting. Please ensure that you have enough time before you start. There is no way to save your work.



    Position in Church

    Phone number (with country code)

    Email address

    Mailing Address

    What is the best way to contact you

    Year of Birth

    Marital Status

    If married, does your wife know you are applying?

    Is she in favour of applying?


    Church Name

    Website Address

    Church Mailing Address

    Church Meeting Address

    Church Phone Number

    Church Email

    Current Denomination/Affiliation(s)

    When was the church formed and when did services start?

    Time of service


    Length of service time

    Average weekly adult attendance on a Sunday morning

    Number of families who are active members

    Primary language of church

    Are you the senior pastor at the church?

    If not, is the senior pastor in agreement with this application? (He will need to be the primary applicant in the candidacy stage.)


    Do you hold the Holy Bible as authoritative in all things pertaining to life and godliness in your personal and church life?

    Believers Eastern Church is orthodox in its pursuit of Christ; do you agree with being orthodox in faith, adhering to the historic biblical faith as expressed by Believers Eastern Church?

    Believers Eastern Church upholds to the orthodox view of worship including an emphasis on the Word and Sacrament and the use of traditional liturgy.

    Believers Eastern Church is passionate about continuing Christ’s ministry as His Church. This includes ministering to people’s spiritual, emotional and physical needs.

    Are you willing to contribute to giving to, praying for and participating in the global mission endeavours of Believers Eastern Church?

    Believers Eastern Church upholds the ancient episcopal church governance with bishops, priests and deacons that upholds the principles of equality and first among equals

    Are you willing to contribute to the life of other parishes within Believers Eastern Church and attend Believers Eastern Church conferences/events?

    Are there any areas of Believers Eastern Church’s faith and practice that you may struggle with to adopt?

    Please elaborate/ask any questions about aspects of BEC’s faith and practice that you struggle with


    Please give a brief explanation of your faith journey

    Years involved in ministry

    Your current role at this church

    Years in ministry at this church

    Brief explanation of calling / motivation for ministry

    Your current employment situation


    Describe the place that God’s Word has in the life of your church

    Describe your worship services and your priorities in worship

    How often does your church partake of Holy Communion?

    Describe your church structure and process of governance

    Is your senior pastor an ordained minister? If so, by which church? Is his ordination in apostolic succession?

    Describe discipleship and church life outside of church services

    Describe your personal devotional life


    Affiliation with Believers Eastern Church may require a lot of study, attending events and other work. Are you willing to spend additional time in prayer and study to complete the affiliation? About how much time per week do you estimate you will be able to spend on this process?

    Lord willing, how many months from now do you hope to complete the affiliation process?

    May we contact you and other people listed on this application using the contact details provided?


    Your information will be respectfully kept private and treated as both sensitive and confidential. Do you hereby authorize Believers Eastern Church to disclose any and all information on this application to people within BEC who we deem relevant to the application process? This is solely for the purpose of helping the affiliation process.